Roadside and Right-of-Way Applications
Boom Buster R- Model spray nozzles are designed specifically for use in roadside and right-of-way spraying applications. Additional benefits of our R-Model nozzles include:
Ability to be used with tank-mix systems and computer-controlled direct injection systems
Nozzle combinations may be used to cover the entire distance of the pattern with the same amount of liquid per acre at the same speed and pressure (see chart below)
We manufacture more than 30 nozzle models, find the Boom Buster R-Model spray nozzle that is just right for your application needs by viewing the Roadside and Right-of-Way Application Chart here.
Boom Buster Right-of-Way Spray Unit
We also manufacture bumper-mounted spray units that allow the operator to activate any of three Boom Buster spray nozzles from the cab.